12/18/2023 — Above is a picture of my newest tattoo! There was a pop-up tattoo shop a few weeks ago, and I wasn’t going to get anything… but then I saw the snowdrop.
The snowdrop is a flower that appears in all three books of To Favor Blood & Flowers, and I love its meaning. The flower represents resilience, rebirth, and beauty. It is this tiny thing that braves winter and blooms. I find the meaning behind it so poetic, I had to have it in my book. When I saw it at the tattoo pop-up, I knew it was time to make that flower—a piece of my books—a little part of me.
This flower tattoo also had me thinking about my own, long process of editing book one of my trilogy. There have been a lot of obstacles, both related to my book/publishing journey and unrelated to my book (for example, life). This silly little flower tattoo is a reminder for myself to have hope. Hope that I can finish this project and make it beautiful for you all.
A pretty short post today, but I am diving back into book one edits as soon as this is sent. Time to get to work!
Much love and happy reading,
Gail ❤
P.S. - What's your favorite flower or a flower that inspires you? Send a message to let me know, and maybe it'll find its way into the To Favor Blood & Flowers trilogy...