01/13/2025 — Happy 2025! I can feel it, this is going to be a big year. A big year full of change and progress—probably some crying—but also so many amazing things!
I am currently in close contact with my editor and marketing coach to determine a launch day! Crazy! I know, I know, I've been saying that “my book is coming out soon” for ages. But this is the year. 2025 is the 10 year anniversary of when I started writing To Favor Blood & Flowers, and it’s going to be the year I finally give it to you all.
So, I give you my list of what’s left to do…
□ Last of the in-depth edits! Only 1/4 of the book left, but really, it's practically done
□ Determine launch date
□ Revamp Instagram & get people excited!
□ Register for copyright
□ Purchase ISBNs
□ Add book to Goodreads & join their author program
□ Plan book launch things
- I want to hear from you all about my book launch! Right here is the link to a short quiz.
Gail + Others:
□ Create timeline for book launch
□ Finalize cover design
- This is mostly done! Stay tuned for the official cover release…
□ Finalize map design & chapter headings
- I have a very special person who is designing this for me right now, and I can’t wait to show you what they create!
□ Have manuscript formatted for print and ebook
□ Create list of ARC readers and contact them
- Having ARC readers (Advanced Reader Copy) is the soft opening of the book world! I already have a few lined up 🙂 If you were not one of my beta readers and are someone who reads fantasy, let me know!
This list seems like a lot, but it is actually so manageable to do this year. I cannot tell you how excited I am to share To Favor Blood & Flowers with you in 2025. Let’s do this thing.
Much love and happy reading,
Gail ❤