03/10/2025 — I want to do a short little post today, and I want it to be a reminder to myself and to others who may think of writing someday. I’ll start with a question.
What does it take to write a book?
And the answer is only one word: perseverance. Perseverance through constructive criticism, through cutting scenes you love, through balancing life, through finding plot holes, through endless edits. All you have to do to write that book is keep going. That’s it. You do not need to be a perfect writer, reader, speller, etc. [I had to Google how to spell perseverance.]
Write something horrendous. Write something just for you. Write crazy ramblings, then learn and grow and push the boundaries of what you’ve accomplished before.
Whether writing a book is something you’ve thought about, or an entirely different goal is calling… Persevere. I dare you.
Much love and happy dreaming,
Gail ❤