08/14/2023 — As I’m finding an hour or two to set aside and write this week, I’m thinking about all the times I’ve gone on a writing spree. Not just a scene, but chapters and chapters for days. It has been a long while since I’ve done that, and I’m eager to get back. So, how can I make it happen?
At what time of the day do you do most of your writing?
Night time, definitely. If I’m in a true writing spree the time doesn’t matter, but there’s something about the night time. Everyone has gone to bed. There is one lamp on. The rest of the house is dark, silent save for branches scratching on the window. And I can finally hear myself—or rather, my characters. They come alive to me then.
Unfortunately, grad students have to sleep at least a bit (Who knew?!). My night times have been full of papers on grief and child development rather than dragons and masquerade balls over the last few months. Time to shake things up a bit.
What’s your favorite writing snack or drink?
A glass of wine, rosé preferably. There’s something distinguished about a writer and a glass of wine in a dark house listening to music. That being said, I do hold my stance that wine tastes better in a mug.
Along with the wine, I typically have something salty. Popcorn, pretzels, pringles. It depends on the night, but I’m not often craving a healthy snack. (Mom- don’t read that last part. I had a salad with dinner last night.)
What was the best money you ever spent as a writer?
Journals! I do type more than write these days, but a scene may strike at any time. I try to keep journals everywhere. I have one in my bag, in my work desk, and in my car to name a few. I have not yet pulled over to write down an idea, but it still might happen! I don’t know why journals bring me so much joy. I feel like I have so many of them, and yet I never have enough. There are always there to remind me to fill their pages with something interesting.
What is your writing Kryptonite?
It has to be music. There are many songs out there that pop on my Spotify when I’m doing other tasks, and I have to skip the songs immediately. I know what you’re thinking—I didn’t like the songs. Wrong. I love the songs. The songs make me think of my characters and the people they’ve lost and the people they long for. If I let these songs go on, my head goes into la la fantasy cloud land. I get nothing done. I may not be writing the whole time after I listen to these songs, but I’m always daydreaming and plotting and playing scenes over and over again in my head.
I am taking all these things with me as I head back into writing. Don’t worry, I won’t forget the wine. Fingers crossed for a writing spree!
Much love and happy reading,
Gail ❤
P.S. - What else do you want to know?