04/10/2023 — Phew, it’s been busy over here!
I just started a new quarter of graduate school after a very brief spring break, but one of the things I finished over my break was my first big edit day. Let’s chat a little about how it went for me and what it means for To Favor Blood & Flowers.
My editor—let’s call her V—has been working on her second read-through of my manuscript, where she checks for grammar, plot inconsistencies, etc. (I’m definitely not perfect in either category!). V and I set up a Zoom meeting to go over the first 22 chapters of the 60-something total chapters… I’ve lost count.
Five and a half hours later…
I wish I had brought more snacks and maybe a pot of coffee. It was a long time to receive constructive criticism, even if V’s points were 100% valid and she was kind in her delivery of the points. I have never been particularly great at receiving feedback (I mean, who is?), but this big edit day was especially challenging. As some of you already know, To Favor Blood & Flowers has become my baby. So when someone says my baby isn’t perfect (definitely not perfect), I feel a little defensive.
I kept reminding myself of the why throughout this meeting. Why was I putting in hours upon hours (upon hours and more hours) to get told how my book could be better? The answer is: YOU! I love To Favor Blood & Flowers but am not naive enough to think it does not have flaws. I want you all to enjoy this book, my characters, and their journeys without being distracted by any plot problems or missing commas. I want you to have the chance to see the story as clearly as possible, as if through my eyes.
Over the next several weeks, I’ll be doing 22 chapters-worth of edits in between classes and on night shifts at work. Let me tell you, I am actually so excited to be diving back into edits! I’ve missed my characters, and it’s felt like too long since I’ve been immersed in the world of To Favor Blood & Flowers.
You all deserve the best this book could be, and I will gladly sit through more hours of meetings to make it that way. (Next time, I just have to remember more snacks!)
Much love and happy reading,
Gail ❤
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