2/12/2024— Above is a beautiful piece of art I found on TikTok (creator tag in the bottom right corner). You all know I love snowdrops, so I had to share this picture with you all!
Full transparency… it has felt like a long week. I’ve only spent a little itty-bitty time in the world of To Favor Blood & Flowers, which is a bummer. I really love being able to dive into the respite of these books and characters when my own life feels chaotic, but being an adult does mean that I have to put adult things before my writing (e.g., do my taxes before editing a chapter from book one). Boo taxes.
All to say, I have a very short email for you all. Here is a lineup of my favorite places to write.
1. Home :) — I love a cozy chair, blanket, and candle moment. And free rein of snacks!
2. Coffeeshop — Something about the atmosphere: the smells, the noises, the people… I have constant access to inspiration for side characters.
3. Park — A journal works best here over my laptop. I typically write poetry at the park, but occasionally I’ll jot down some scene ideas for To Favor Blood & Flowers. If there are mosquitoes, I’m leaving.
4. Library — I love finding my favorite corner spot in public libraries where I can nestle amongst the books. Sometimes, this spot can be a bit too quiet for me; I like a little bit of background noise when I’m writing.
I hope you all have a lovely week ahead of you. You deserve it!
Much love and happy reading,
Gail ❤