1/1/2024 — Happy New Year!
I hope you all are as excited as I am to wrap up 2023 and get started on some of these new year resolutions. Here are a few of my own author-related (kinda) goals for 2024…
Hold a physical copy of my published book, To Favor Blood & Flowers
Big one!
Take more book-inspired photos
Or nature, or coffee, or pretty things… you get the jist
Keep a plant alive
Consider it a personal quest
Start writing a new book series on the side
I want to escape fantasy a bit this new year, so maybe a contemporary romance novel in the works? New York City based, of course. Don’t worry– the To Favor Blood & Flowers trilogy will still be top priority!
Connect with other authors
I would love to meet other self-published authors to learn more about their process and maybe make a few friends along the way!
Jump-start my TikTok and Instagram account!
I think it’s time for more content (And yes, I know I said this several months ago, but now it might actually happen)
Sending hugs and celebration to everyone on this January morning! I hope all your dreams come true this year.
Much love and happy reading,
Gail ❤
P.S. - Have ideas for topics or things you’re curious about? I would love to hear them!