12/04/2023 — As I am finishing up grad school and staring at these future winter months where I will have some more time in my day, I daydream. I’m ready to write. I’m ready to edit… if I have to (I very much do). I’m ready to sit in one spot all day and divot the couch as I type and type and type.
So, I daydream. Here’s my dream writing day, itinerary-style
0800 - Awake and drinking coffee! Upbeat music (musical numbers?) is a must
0830 - Pick out a dazzling outfit, and make sure you’re feeling winter-cozy-fancy. Then, slap some makeup on your face and figure out something to do with hair.
0900 - Hit the road… Target, here we come! Goals: under $30, candle, sweet treat, foo-foo coffee on the drive back?
1000 - Back at the apartment and down to writing business! Set up a comfy, aesthetic place (don’t forget the mood lighting). AirPods in. Snack acquired. Moody, longing music playing at top volume.
1030 - Editing time. Reality fades away…
1230 - I probably should come up for air. And to pee. Wow, I’m really hungry.
1300 - Editing time. Again. We’ll switch up the music- early 2000s main character tunes?
1500 - Is it dinner yet?! Damn. Guess I’ll make some popcorn.
1530 - Ok, now comes the fun part. I’ve done my serious editing work, so now let’s just write whatever I want to write! Post-epilogue scenes I’ll never release? No, no. Book two makes more sense I suppose.
1730 - NOW it’s dinner and glass of wine time! Time to put on a medieval movie with a hint of romance (dragons too?) while I eat leftovers.
1930 - Bundling myself in blankets and rereading what I wrote today… ahhh I love this!
… eventually sleep :)
Get yourself a treat this week, you deserve it!
Much love and happy reading,
Gail ❤